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This is an incredibly valuable resource for physicians while navigating the opaque and confusing process of compensation & contract negotiations.

Anthony B., MD Plastic Surgery

Used this data to successfully negotiate a raise with my employer! Thank you!

Sarah D., ACNP

As a student, this data represents the “light at the end of the tunnel.” Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, now I’m gonna endlessly scroll so I don’t have to study

Anthony L., 4th year med student

As a soon-to-be graduating PA, this is awesome! Thank you!

Praveen P., PA Student

I haven’t ever been concerned that I wasn’t being paid fairly, because I really didn’t know what “fair” pay was until now. I guess I had my “head in the sand” until now and just felt there was no way to know. Thank you for making this so widely accessible to all!

Rachel E., PNP